Ted L. Marshall received his undergraduate education from Oklahoma State University before continuing his studies at the University Of Louisville School of Dentistry. Since that time, he's become a member of the Alabama Implant Study Group, studied sleep apnea extensively, and joined the Endodontics Study Club of Tulsa.
Dr. Marshall has practiced dentistry in Tulsa for 34 years. Ten years ago, he made the decision to build a new location that would provide patients with greater comfort, convenience, and care. With the addition of his daughters Kelly and Dr. Molly Marshall Hays to the practice, the name changed to Marshall Family Dentistry. He is a member of the American Dental Association, Oklahoma Dental Association, Tulsa County Dental Society, Tulsa County Educational Committee, and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. He has served on the Oklahoma Dental Association's Council of Dental Care and served on the Oklahoma Tulsa County Peer Review Board for fifteen years, five of those as board chair. Awards include an honor from the University of Louisville and the Kentucky Pedodontists as well as the Kentucky Society of Dentistry for Children Award of Excellence. He has also received the Best Dentist in Oklahoma Award.
Since engaging young people in the love of health and the relationship between dental health and overall wellness has been a passion of Dr. Marshall's, he has hired high school students involved in the DECCA work/study program. He has been instrumental in helping five students enter the field of dental hygiene, including his daughter Kelly, and two students go on to become dentists, including his daughter Molly. Dentistry is truly a family affair for the Marshalls.
Dr. Marshall and his wife Sue have been married for 38 years and have three daughters. His daughter Christy Marshall is an interior designer in Dallas, and she has been involved in creating the look and feel of Marshall Family Dentistry.